Welcome to the 2010-11 School Year!

September 1, 2010

There have been some changes for the 2010-11 school year.  The music room has moved, we are now located in the portable closest to the front of the building.  We also have student teacher amongst us for the first 7 weeks of the school year, his name is Mike Martone. 

Are you ready for some Rock and Roll?  Music at Darien this year is going to explore the history of rock.  From Elvis to The Beatles, we are so excited to kick this school year into gear.  We are not slowing down until summer vacation!

Chorus will begin on September 16th at 7:30 AM, and will continue all year on Thursday mornings. 

Students in grades 4 and 5 are asked to bring their recorders with them for music class.  3rd graders have received forms to purchase recorders through Mr. Frazier.

We are looking forward to great year at Hindley School!!!

Welcome to 2009-2010

August 26, 2009

Welcome back for another exciting year at Hindley School.  I am very excited to see everyone for another wonderful year and to share lots of new music with all of you.  This year we will be exploring the music of East Asia.


One important update is that chorus will be on Thursday mornings this year.


I cannot wait to begin classes for the year!

-Mr. Frazier

Spring Update

April 14, 2009

Welcome back from spring vacation.  We are in for a very exciting spring time.  Just prior to vacation, our second graders participated in a pilot assessment for the State Department of Education which involved students self-assessing their singing.  The process was presented at the Connecticut Music Educator’s Conference on April 3rd with great enthusiasm from those attending.

On Tuesday April 14th, Hindley School was visited by George Gershwin (portrayed by pianist/actor Dennis Kobray).   

On Thursday April 16th, the Music Department and the Fifth Grade team will present their recent collaboration on George Gershwin:  his life, times, influences and music.  This interdisciplinary program melds technology, internet-based research, literacy, social studies, science and music together into a cohesive learning unit.

 Other upcoming events include the Spring Concert on May 4th at Darien High School and grade-level shares for grades 2, 3 and 4 (details will be available soon).

In other news, Mr. Frazier will be offering a music class as part of the upcoming after-school pilot program.


September 28, 2007

Hello Everyone!  Welcome to my Blog.  My name is Mr. Frazier and I am the General Music Teacher for grades 1-5 and Choral Director at Hindley Elementary School. 

This blog is currently under development , but I am trying to keep it updated.

 This year we have all sorts of “new stuff” in the Music Department.  We are beginning to ask students to compose beginnign in grade 1 to prepare them for the district-wide 5th grade composition assessment. 

This year, our curricular focus is the music of George Gershwin.  Students will be completing listening analyses of various works from Mr. Gershwin.

 Another new feature this year is our “bus room sing-along” at dismissal time.  Students at Hindley have responded very positively to the idea of singing as they wait for their buses to arrive at dimissal time.

Please check out the National Standards for Music Education listed under What Students Should Know and Be Able To Do.  Also, please Take a moment to view some information about the Three Artistic Processes